Central Nursery Inc.
residential services include
- Rough grading, finish grading, and leveling
- Digging footing, V-ditches, etc.
- Trenching for sewers, water lines, electrical lines, irrigations, etc.
- Excavation of hillsides, RV acccess area, etc.
- Digging for post holes, fencing, trees, shrubs, supports, etc.
- Rock features and retaining walls
- Small tree, shrub, brush, foilage, and stump removal
- Dirt haul off and transfer
- Brush or sod removal
- Back fill for trenches, holes, etc.
- Concrete break up and removal
- Lot and fire break clearing
- Drainage
- Grading (including finish grading)
- Haul off and brush or sod removal
- Retaining wall such as moss rock, granite, etc.
- Digging for pods and water features
2391 Vantage Highway
1 Mile East of
Downtown Ellensburg
(509) 925-4553